About the Template

The header image is a drawing I made a long time ago for some other design, but it was not used. It's pretty simple-looking, and I believe it makes a great blog template.

It's tested in Mozilla Firefox 2.0, Internet Explorer 6 & 7, Opera 9, and Netscape 7.2, on resolution 800x600 and 1024x768, and works good in each of the mentioned. It is also validated XHTML and CSS.

Terms of Service

This work is released under the Creative Commons Licence.

  1. Leave the credit and link back to http://inobscuro.com/http://inobscuro.com/ visible.
  2. Do not redistribute.
  3. Personal, non-profit use only.
  4. Derivative work prohibited.

Instructions for Installation

For detailed information on istalling this layout, please refer to my tutorial Installing premade templates.


The layout is entirely formatted using CSS, so I strongly advise you not to change it, otherwise the layout might break. Editing the content should be easy, just keep it within the areas marked with comments. To keep the template looking exactly as you see it, use tags and classes provided in this example.

Normal text, bold <b>, italic <i>,link <a>

level 2 heading <h2>

level 3 heading <h3>

To make text appear in this box, use the blockquote tag, or add a class "box" to any element.

To make a link in the main menu appear highlighted (like "Home" shown here) add a class "active" to the list item (li tag).

This is how the forms might look like:

Have fun and enjoy :)


You can write something here if you like. Or put a cam, or shoutbox. A link.

